Bug Habitat Creation with Play dough

My son loves playing with play-dough, and I’ve discovered it can be quite therapeutic too. We owe this fun to Theodor, who came up with the idea. After making homemade play-dough together, Theodor started pressing insect figurines into it and observing the marks they left. Next, we added rocks and sticks from our nature walk. That’s when I thought, “Why not create a home for the bugs from our book?” And so, our adventure began.

Creating a bug habitat with play-dough is a fantastic way for kids to use their creativity and explore sensory experiences. Inspired by “A Day in the Garden,” Theodor spent hours crafting homes for each bug. This activity is more than just fun; it’s a sneaky learning tool. Here are some benefits:

  • Fine Motor Skills: Molding, rolling, and pinching the dough strengthens little hand muscles, preparing them for writing and other tasks. SOURCE

  • Creativity and Imagination: Play-dough is a blank canvas for endless creations, from pizzas to worms to balls. SOURCE

  • Social Skills: Playing together encourages sharing, turn-taking, and teamwork. SOURCE

  • Sensory Exploration: It’s a hands-on way to explore different textures and sensations. SOURCE

  • Calming Effect: Manipulating dough can soothe and relax children. SOURCE (It turns out that this is a great activity even for adults to release stress and anxiety. So next time your child asks you to stretch some play-dough, you might want to jump in and have some fun.)

  • Learning Through Play: Use play-dough to teach colors, shapes, and numbers. Example

Activity Setup: Let’s create homes for the bugs from “A Day in the Garden.” Find out where each bug likes to live and build a perfect habitat.


  1. Stick the Figurines in the Play-Dough: Observe the marks they leave.

  2. Ask Questions: For example, “Here’s a beetle that likes to crawl under rocks and leaves. Let’s put some leaves over it.”

  3. Be Creative: Let your child take the lead and explore freely.

What You Need:

  • Play-dough (homemade recipe)

  • Bug figurines

  • Rocks, leaves, sticks, and flowers (from a nature walk or around the house)

Enjoy this engaging and educational playtime with your child!


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